Valar Morghulis

All men must die. Ser Gregor is a man.

// All men must die:
forall x. (Man(x) implies MustDie(x));

// Ser Gregor is a man:

Run Razor on the previous theory valar-morghulis.raz:

razor solve -i theories/examples/valar-morghulis.raz

Razor returns only one model:

Domain: e#0

Elements: 'gregor -> e#0

Facts: Man(e#0), MustDie(e#0)

The model contains only one element e#0 in its domain. This element denotes 'gregor, a constant in the theory that represents Ser Gregor. The model also contains two facts: Man(e#0) is a fact that is derived from the second statement of the theory (i.e., Man('gregor)). The fact MustDie(e#0) is deduced by Razor according to the first statement of the theory.

Notice that the previous model is a "minimal" model for the given theory. The element e#0 is required to represent the constant 'gregor; the fact Man(e#0) must be present because the theory says so; and, the fact MustDie(e#0) must be true because of the first statement. Removing any piece of information makes the given structure a non-model of the theory.