Syntactic Variations

Razor supports three syntactic variations of the logical symbols in the input:

  • alpha where logical symbols are written as alphabetic words.
  • compact where ASCII notations represent logical symbols.
  • math where (Unicode) mathematical symbols are used.

Note: Currently, Razor's parser accepts inputs that are comprised of any combination of the syntactic variations mentioned above. However, future releases of Razor may restrict the input to use only one of the variations above.

The table below shows all syntactic variations of the logical symbols:

symbol alpha compact math
truth true '|' (U+22A4)
falsehood false _|_ (U+27D8)
negation not ~ ¬ (U+00AC)
conjunction and & (U+2227)
disjunction or | (U+2228)
implication implies -> (U+2192)
bi-implication iff <=> (U+21D4)
existential quantifier exists ? (U+2203)
universal quantifier forall ! (U+2200)