Razor: A First-Order Approach

Razor takes a direct approach to first-order model-finding without propositionalization and SAT solving. The essence of Razor's algorithm is the chase from database theory. Our approach to model-finding has a couple of primary advantages: first, the model-finding algorithm doesn't inherently require a bound for propositionalization. Second, the algorithm can leverage information in first-order logic to guide the search for models, unlike the SAT-based approach where the underlying SAT solver is put in charge of the search. However, these features usually come at a performance cost as Razor doesn't make use of the blazingly fast modern SAT-solvers.

Unbounded Algorithm

As discussed earlier, SAT-based model-finders translate the input first-order theory to a propositional formula up to a bound, which is often provided by the user. Providing a search bound that is sufficient for a complete analysis yet small enough to make the search tractable poses a challenge to using SAT-based model-finders. Inferring a sufficient search bound to help the user has been an ongoing research in the literature.

In contrast, Razor's model-finding algorithm is unbounded: starting from an empty model 𝕞 (i.e., a model over an empty domain), Razor constructively augments 𝕞 with necessary elements and facts until 𝕞 satisfies the input theory or a contradiction occurs. When there is more than one way to continue, the algorithm augments clones of 𝕞 in different search branches.

As a direct result of undecidability of first-order logic, a run of Razor on an arbitrary theory may fail to terminate. To guarantee termination, we would need to devise a termination condition such an execution timeout, a count of generated models, a maximum search depth, or possibly a bound on the domain size of models. Because of the inherent unboundedness of Razor's algorithm, the user wouldn't have to provide the search bound upfront; in fact, the user may let the search continue for an arbitrary length of time and kill the Razor's process on demand.

Note: Some SAT-based model-finders like Paradox implement clever algorithms to reuse some components of the intermediate propositionalized formula for a bound of size n to generate a propositional formula for a bound at n + 1. This approach enables the solver to perform incremental model-finding as it expands the search bound. Nevertheless, at each step, a considerable portion of the previously generated propositional formulae and the earlier work of the SAT-solver must get discarded.

Controlled Search

Conventional model-finders put their (often off-the-shelf) SAT-solvers fully in charge of constructing structures that are then translated to models of the input theory; therefore, the model-finding tool has little control over the search algorithm. In particular, relying on a SAT-solver would limit the opportunities to guide the search and optimize the quality of models.

Razor constructs models that are minimal with respect to their information content within a framework for exploring the space of models of the input theory. In addition, employing a first-order search algorithm enables Razor to trivially parallelize and distribute the search, give access to the intermediate partial models, and employ heuristics to guide the search.


SAT-based model-finders tend to output noisy models: these are non-minimal models which hold facts that aren't necessary for satisfying the input theory. Noisy models can be hard to understand as they don't offer provenance for their content. In contrast, Razor's algorithm is guided towards producing minimal models, which contain nothing but facts that must be present for satisfying the theory. Formally speaking, Razor returns models that are minimal with respect to a homomorphism ordering on all models of the theory. The homomorphism ordering serves as a useful measure of information content, enabling Razor to offer provenance to justify the content of its models by the sentences of the input theory.

Consider the list specification from the previous section. A run of Razor bounded by a domain size of 4 elements outputs models such as the ones below:

  • 'my_list of length 0 (i.e., the 'nil list):

    'my_list:  ◯

  • 'my_list of length 1:

    'my_list:  ⬤➝◯

  • 'my_list of length 0 (an alias for 'nil) and an unnamed list of of length 1:

    'my_list:  ◯
    (unnamed):   ⬤➝◯

  • 'my_list of length 2:

    'my_list:  ⬤➝⬤➝◯

  • 'my_list of length 0 and an unnamed list of of length 2:

    'my_list:  ◯
    (unnamed):   ⬤➝⬤➝◯

  • 'my_list of length 3:

    'my_list:  ⬤➝⬤➝⬤➝◯

All these models are minimal in the sense that unlike some examples from the previous section, every peice of information in these models is required by the input theory and cannot be removed.

Note: For every model 𝕟 of the input theory 𝓣, Razor returns a model 𝕞 with a homomorphism from 𝕞 to 𝕟. Informally, it's always possible to construct any model of 𝓣 by adding more information to a model returned by Razor. Therefore, we refer to the models returned by Razor as a set of support for 𝓣.

Verification and Exploration

First-order model-finding is often applied to uncover inconsistencies and logical flaws where the user verifies if an assertion follows from a specification. The assertion, which is often a desirable property of the system, holds if its negation is inconsistent with the specification, having no models. I will refer to this mode of interaction with a model-finder as verification. When working with a model-finder in the verification mode, only one (unexpected) model is sufficient to reveal a bug in the specification.

In a different mode of analysis, the user understands models of the theory as instances of the behavior of a system specification. I will call this mode of interaction with a model-finder exploration. Unlike the verification mode, where the model-finder helps the user to prove properties of a system, the user of the exploration mode is interested in investigating examples of a system's execution without necessarily having specific properties in mind. The goal of exploration is to help the user develop a better understanding of the specified system.

Note: check and run commands in Alloy operate in verification and exploration modes respectively.

SAT-based model-finders commonly offer models in no particular order as the order of output is dictated by the underlying SAT-solver. This behavior is often acceptable in the verification mode, where any counterexample suffices to disprove a hypothesis or invalidate a property. In contrast, effective model-finding for exploration greatly benefits from a systematic approach to presenting models, an exploration method that enables the user to effectively navigate through various classes of (possibly many) models of the theory and does not solely rely on the serendipity of SAT-solving. Razor's approach to model-finding offers a solution!

As I mentioned in the previous section, Razor produces models that are minimal with no noise, i.e., unnecessary facts. More accurately, these are models that are minimal with respect to a preorder ≺ induced by the homomorphism relation between the models of the theory. For two models 𝕞 and 𝕟 of a theory 𝓣, 𝕞 ≺ 𝕟 if and only if there is a homomorphism from 𝕞 to 𝕟 and it's easy to show that 𝕞 contains less noise than 𝕟. It is, though, always possible to augment 𝕞 with additional (unnecessary) facts to obtain 𝕟. This is the core principle that enables a framework for model exploration with respect to a measure of information content.

Note: Aluminum is a preliminary realization of this approach to exploring models, which was implemented as a modification of Alloy.


Model-finders could potentially incorporate heuristic measures to prioritize specific search branches or adopt various search strategies. However, delegating the search to a SAT-solver dramatically limits the opportunity for taking advantage of heuristics and contextual information.

Earlier, I brought up minimality as a quality measure but the user might be interested in other attributes and criteria for model exploration. For example, the user could ask for a new model that is less similar to the ones previously returned or one that would be "surprising". Also, the model-finder may keep track of various heuristics to deprioritize search branches that are more likely to fail or to switch between different scheduling algorithms.