
The syntax and semantics of Razor's input is that of conventional first-order logic, also known as predicate logic.

Razor's input supports three syntactic variations for the logical symbols and follows one of the more predominant conventions for the precedence of the logical connectives. For consistency and readability purposes, we use the alpha variation everywhere in this document.


Lowercase and uppercase identifiers in Razor are defined by the following:

  • A lowercase identifier is a word starting with either a lowercase alphabetic character ([a-z]) or the underscore (_), followed by any number of alphanumeric characters ([a-zA-Z0-9]) and/or the underscore. For example, rusty, _razor, and rusty123_RAZOR456 are lowercase identifiers.
  • An uppercase identifier is a word that starts with an uppercase alphabetic character ([A-Z]) and is followed by any number of alphanumeric characters ([a-zA-Z0-9]) and/or the underscore (_). For example, Rusty, and RAZOR_123 are uppercase identifiers.


A term in Razor's input is a conventional first-order term, inductively defined by the following:

  • A variable is a lowercase identifier, and it is a term on its own. For example, v, variable, and _var may be used as variable symbols.
  • A composite term consists of a lowercase identifier as a function symbol that is applied to zero or more terms as arguments that are wrapped in parentheses. For example, f(), f(a), f(g(a, b), c), and func(plus(x, y)) are terms.

Razor treats nullary functions (of arity zero that take no arguments) as constants. An apostrophe (') followed by a lowercase identifier is a syntactic sugar for constructing a constant. For example, 'a is a constant that is syntactically equivalent to a().


A formula in Razor's input is a conventional first-order formula with equality, inductively defined by the following:

  • An atomic formula consists of an upper case identifier as a predicate symbol that is applied to zero or more terms as arguments that are wrapped in parentheses. For example, R(), R(x), and R(f(x, 'a), y, 'b) are atomic formulae.

  • An equality is a especial type of atomic formula, with a binary infix connective = that is applied on two terms as its arguments. Razor treats an equality as identity between its arguments. For example, x = y, and f(x) = g(f(y), 'a) are equalities.

  • The result of applying the logical connectives and, or, implies and iff as infix binary connectives to two fromulae is itself a formula. Parentheses may be used to override the conventional precedence of the connectives. For example P(x) and x = y, P(x) and (Q(y) or R(x)), and P(x, y) implies x = y and R(z) are formulae.

  • The result of applying the logical connectives forall and exists to one or more comma (,) separated bound variables and a formula, as a propositional function, is itself a formula. The list of bound variables and the propositional function are separated by a period (.). For example, exists x. P(x), forall x, y . Q(x, y) or R(z), and forall x. exists y. P(x, y) are formulae.

Note: A variable that is not bound by a universal (forall) or existential (exists) quantifier is said to be a free variable. Razor assumes all free variables to be universally quantified over the entire formula in which they appear. For example, P(x) -> exists y . Q(x, y) is assumed to be equivalent to forall x . (P(x) -> exists y . Q(x, y)).


Razor's input is a first-order theory, consisting of a list of zero or more formulae, separated by the semi-colon (;). The input may contain conventional C-style comments (// for comment lines and /* and */ for comment blocks). Whitespaces including new lines are allowed. See the following input for an example:

// equality axioms

forall x . x = x; /* Reflexitivity */
forall x, y . (x = y implies y = x); /* Symmetry */
forall x, y, z . (x = y and y = z implies x = z); /* Transitivity */